Your New Career
Begins Here.
Our Vision
At the Sacramento County Office of Education we are growing a new generation of motivated mental health professionals and educators. Our goal is to develop a pipeline of skilled and committed professionals that are diverse and representative of the students we serve and are motivated and prepared to serve in our schools.
Our Support For Your Career Starts Here.

Education Path
The demand for educators is at an all-time high. We are committed to supporting the full continuum of professional careers in Early Education, Transitional Kindergarten, STEM, and Special Education in Sacramento County.
Mental Health & Wellness Path
We have put a specific focus on hiring mental health professionals across Sacramento County public schools. We aim to bring the education and health systems together as partners to create a continuum of care for mental health and wellness throughout Sacramento County’s education systems.
Benefits of SCOE’s Career Pipeline
Professional learning opportunities
Alignment with academic programs
Opportunities to obtain training and certification(s)
Paid Internships
Earn licensure hours
Be the change you want to see in the world |
Be the change you want to see in the world |
Start Your Journey
Students need you in this work. Whether you are just looking to explore a career in education or school-based mental health or you are already in the field. We invite you to start your journey with us here.